This section provides information on specific trending narratives and false information about polio, including what's spreading, the common themes referenced, and the level of risk narratives pose to vaccination efforts. Alerts are typically published multiple times per week based on ongoing analysis of social listening data.
February 13, 2025
News sites and social media users worldwide responded with a mix of excitement and frustration to the confirmation of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as the top health official in the U.S. due to Kennedy’s long history of promoting anti-vaccine myths and affiliation with a prominent anti-vaccine organization. Some popular posts expressed concern that Kennedy’s leadership would lead to outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases like polio. A U.S. congressperson posted about Kennedy’s alleged role in a measles outbreak in Samoa, which she incorrectly called a polio outbreak. Several posts supported Kennedy’s false claims about vaccine development, while others accused physicians and infectious disease experts opposed to the confirmation of “fearmongering” and insinuated that vaccines are more of a threat than the diseases they prevent.
Geography: EAPRO: Indonesia; ECARO: Israel, Ukraine; ESARO: Ethiopia, Kenya; MENARO: Egypt; ROSA: Pakistan, India; WCARO: Nigeria; Global (Other): Australia, Canada, China, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, United States
Themes: Conspiracy theories, Research and clinical trials
Risk Assessment: Medium
February 08, 2025
A social media post about polio vaccines in Lakki Marwat received many responses calling for a boycott of anti-polio campaigns in the region using the hashtag #polioboycott. The boycott is in support of kidnapped factory workers in Lakki Marwat. Some posts state that peace is more important than the polio campaign. Meanwhile, residents in a village near Makli, Thatta, launched a “No water, no vaccines” boycott to protest a lack of clean water access. Several posts falsely claimed that polio vaccines are harmful and that the disease is only spreading in children who have received multiple polio drops.
Geography: ROSA: Pakistan
Themes: Effectiveness, Necessity
Risk Assessment: Medium
February 06, 2025
On February 3, a police officer was fatally shot while guarding a group of polio workers in the Jamrud district of Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. The attack occurred on the first day of Pakistan’s first national polio vaccination drive of 2025. In response to a social media post condemning the attack, some commenters criticized the World Health Organization and blamed polio workers for using a “poisonous jab” to harm children in Pakistan. In a popular social media post, the Pakistan Polio Eradication Initiative encouraged vaccination. The post received 13 million views and over 1,000 responses, including false claims that polio vaccines are poison and accusations that the polio vaccine is “unsafe” and was designed by the “United States, Britain, and Israel” to harm Muslims. Meanwhile, a video clip with over 72,000 views accused a U.S. international aid organization of corrupting Pakistani religious leaders and politicians. Although some comments supported the agency’s work in Pakistan, others repeated the claim that government workers profit from anti-polio funds.
Geography: ROSA: Pakistan
Themes: Conspiracy theories, Religion, Safety and side effects
Risk Assessment: Medium
Alerts are categorized as high, medium, and low risk.
Narratives with widespread circulation across communities or countries, high engagement, exponential velocity, and a high potential to impact vaccination efforts.
Narratives circulating in priority countries that may impact vaccination decisions. Potential for further spread due to the tactics used or because of predicted velocity. May highlight legitimate questions and concerns, not just false claims.
Narratives that are limited in reach, aren't impacting priority communities, or lack the qualities necessary for future spread. Helpful to know because these narratives may indicate information gaps, confusion, or concerns.
A practical resource that bridges digital best practices with field-based health communication to equip teams with the knowledge and tools needed to protect children from polio and foster trust in vaccination programs.
DownloadThis charts below highlights data specific to polio outbreak countries over the past seven days, and is updated daily. Analysis includes data from the latest list of outbreak countries according to GPEI.
The charts below highlight data specific to polio endemic countries (Pakistan and Afghanistan) over the past seven days, and is updated daily.